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Garage Door and Gate Installers
Whether you are looking for a garage door or a driveway gate with the style and elegance you deserve, there are numerous installers both locally and nationally who will be able to meet your needs. The question is how you find the right one for your budget and your requirements. With the right kind of approach and a bit of careful research, it’s possible to get some great deals that can knock pounds off your installation.
Garage Door Installers
Decide what you want: There are a variety of different doors on the market including up and over or rollup designs each of which have their own benefits. There’s also the question of what you want them to be made of. With a choice of metal, uPVC and wood, there’s certainly plenty to think about.
Next you have to decide if you want an automated garage door or a manual one and what sort of added extras need to be included. Where your garage is situated and the size will often dictate the kind of garage door you eventually go for.
Our advice: Do you research and read up on the designs that are available before you start searching for installers.
Search for installers: The great news is that you don’t have to trawl over the internet to find the right garage door installer. You can search out database for local and national companies who provide a good service at great prices.
Get more than one quote: We always advise that you contact more than one company for a quote. This means you can compare like for like and have more choice not only on the price but whether you like the installer personally and feel confident of their service.
Ask the right questions: Doing your research on garage doors and knowing even a little of what is on offer can help when you get installers in to quote on the work. You can ask the right questions and have more chance of getting concerns answered if you have any. You’ve also got more chance of receiving a great service because the installer knows you have a handle on things and actually know what you are talking about.
Check previous work: Whether its double glazing, solar panels or even a garage door, check out the work that the installer has previously done. Don’t just settle for the case studies they show on their own websites, get out and about and have a look at somewhere yourself.
Take your time: Once you have your quotes and are sure about the kind of garage door that you want installed then resist agreeing to have the work done until you have sat back for a cooling off period – ideally a week. This will give you the opportunity to further review the quotes and ask any more questions you have such as what maintenance regime the company provides for automatic garage doors.
Gate Installers
If you want to turn your driveway into something more stylish then you can do worse than having a nice new gate installed.
Decide what kind of gate suits your property: There are plenty of options to consider including whether you want a hinged door or a sliding one. Then there’s the material your door is made of. Do you want to have a nice wood one that requires more maintenance or an imposing wrought iron or steel construction?
Manual vs Automated: The other thing you need to decide is whether you want a standard manual gate or one that opens at the press of a button. There are all sorts of technology that can be included for automated doors such as safety sensors and intercom operation.
Search for installers and suppliers: As with garage doors, you can search for gate installers and suppliers on our central database. It gives you the chance to find the right local and national companies who have the kind of gate installation you want at a price you are prepared to pay.
Get them in for quotes: You may want to do all the work yourself in which case you can opt to buy a prefabricated gate for your driveway. To have it supplied and installed you will need to get the company rep in to talk you through their offer and give a quote. Make sure the quote covers all the bases and tells you exactly what you are being charged for. Unclear quotes are usually a sign that there could be problems later down the line, so don’t be afraid to query things if you find something missing or confusing.
Have a cooling off period: Again, even with driveway gates, our mantra is to take your time. Once you have had a look at the quotes put them to one side and get on with something else. A cooling off period can help you approach them later with a more focussed mind.
Search for local garage door and gate installers on our comprehensive database.